Before and after the plantation
The best choice
The choice of the site and the characteristics of the vineyard, in terms of genetics, propagation materials and density of plantation are fundamental steps in the design of a vineyard. Errors in this phase would jeopardise the result both from a technical and economic point of view. Quality products are the reward if the best choices are made.
The environmental vocation is an essential factor in wine production.
Ascertaining the soil profile and therefore the chemical and physical characteristics, allows to establish the most suitable choice in terms of rootstock, guaranteeing the adjustment of the variety to the chosen site.
So, the chemical and physical analysis of the soil becomes crucial and is to be carried out well before planting the vineyard.
The plantation of the vineyard
The plantation of the grafted vines must take place between the end of winter and the beginning of spring.
By performing the plantation in this season, the plants take advantage of the spring rains, necessary to compact the soil on the root system and to ensure the hydration of the hypogeal part.
The moderate temperatures of this season reduce the dehydration of the grafted vine favouring its bud-burst.
Technical indications for late planting of grafted vines
The late plantation (from around 15th May onwards) is not recommended as the spring is coming to an end and with it the mild temperatures and the rainfalls useful for a rapid root development. Be aware that in the annual cycle of the vine has two peaks of radical development: spring and autumn. The late plantation slows down significantly the grafted vine by shortening the cycle and exposing it in inconvenient moments both to water crisis and to strong downy mildew attacks of the late summer, reducing the levels of lignification and consequently the endurance to winter rigor. With attentive care and sagacity, however, good rooting and development can be achieved if the plantation is made by mid-June.
Attached please find the indications on how to operate correctly to obtain satisfactory results.
Technical indications
for planting of potted grafted vines
The so called "cartonaggio" technique, better known as potted production, involves the supply of a grafted vine plant that is obtained and planted by the customer in the same period and year of its grafting and is characterised by a recently established root system, grown in a soil and peat pot - suitable for this development - , a rootstock and a scion welded through a newly established callus. One or more shoots come out of the scion guaranteeing the physiological development of the vine. The plant, despite its youthfulness, is characterised by a completely normal development in root absorption, transport of sap and the emission of new shoots, however this is delicate material that requires careful and expert care on behalf of the buyer. The potted grafted vines are supplied by Vitis Rauscedo as vertical plants in peat pots placed in plastic boxes. Attached please find the indications on how to operate correctly to obtain satisfactory results.